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Knowing the Right Direction for Your Client’s Needs

Written by Ashley Ray | Oct 4, 2017 1:15:00 PM

Every month we are thrown a multitude of different sales pitches and specials that we are expected to hit the streets with and sell to our advertisers. We go out with one primary goal; close the deal and get the sale. Sometimes when we get in this mode it makes it difficult to focus on our customers and cater products specifically to them and their business’s needs.

Let’s review some of the most common marketing needs of our clients to date and evaluate what types of services work best for these needs. Asking specific questions about the different goals they have for their business will help you better evaluate what type of digital products will work best them.

1. Increase calls and traffic to store and or website

This is a people need. Every business has this need no matter what their product or service may be. Large sized ads work well for drawing in attention. Try and use creative that has a specific call to action in the ad so your client sees or hears walk-ins mention why they are there.

2. Brand Awareness and Name Recognition

This is the this is “who I am” part of business. While it is important to publish small ads everyday, it's not necessary to include an offer in every ad. This creates repetition and creates a sense of awareness for consumers. Consistency and consecutiveness are key.

3. Target Audience/Market – Demographic/Geographic’s

This can be used for businesses with a specific product or service with a defined target market or audience they want to draw in from a certain area, region or state. Medium sized ads with to-the-point targeting criteria utilized work best for this need.

4. Competitive Edge

Businesses want to have the highest market share of the products they have available. However, they need something to get them the competitive edge that separates them from the competition. If for any reason they can’t compete on price, they should make their business relatable, family oriented, emphasize great service or highlight any other point of difference that makes them unique. Medium sized ads displaying their competitive edge works great in this case.

5. Reduce Inventory

This is pretty standard during the holiday season or for special events. They want to get their discount information out to customers and sell their products quick and fast. Generally, the best way to go about this is with a big ad splash. The use of bigger or high impact ads gets the point across to the consumer in a shorter period of time. These ads are all about the product and price.

6. “Customer” awareness

This is usually a change in business communication to the community or consumer. Most businesses have to do this when they have moved locations, have a new location, new products, new management or have changed pricing. Medium sized ads work best for this need.

7. Image

Businesses need this when they want to create a certain perception to their consumers or create general community awareness. This style is known to be “What I am” advertising. The use of bigger impactful ads is the best route for your client in this situation. Highlighting community outreach is a great way to strengthen brand awareness and goodwill.

8. Budget Allocation

This is how your client spends their money. Sometimes they only advertise at certain times of the year depending on how their budget is allocated for the fiscal year. Many “seasonal” based business advertise during particular times of the year. For instance, continuing education, health insurance (renewal) and tax proprietors. Depending on whether their budget allows it, you can find a cost effective medium sized ad campaign that will work into their budget limitations.

Remembering best practices, we should always look to put our clients’ needs first. The more information you gather in your initial conversations with new business contacts, the easier it will be to identify what their true marketing needs are. When we work closely with our customers and listen to their needs, we are able to create effective campaigns that deliver results. When your client begins to see you have their businesses needs and best interests at heart, they will begin to have more confidence in you and your advertising products. This will then translate into greater client loyalty and more frequent and larger ad buys.